Crystal Remedies holds energy of your favorite crystals in a convenient easy to use modality. Crystal Remedies coalesces crystal healing and homeopathy. The pellets have been infused with the vibrations of powerful crystals, pure love light and divine energy for your highest and best good. Each time you use Crystal Remedies, your body will absorb only the crystal energies you need for that day. Harness the power of crystals within you instead of only carrying them on you. Crystal Remedies may raise your vibration for increased spirit, Angel and planetary communication, healing, balancing chakras, love, business, emotions, protection, strength, purity, self-discovery, creativity, confidence, harmony, energy, change and much more.
Crystal Remedies
- Before using, shake vial vigorously to re-energize the pellets.
- Drop 2-3 pellets in the cap
- Place pellets under your tongue until fully dissolved.
- Pellets are very sensitive and will take on the energy/vibration of any other material they contact. Discard any pellets that have been handled or dropped. It is OK to touch pellets you will be using for yourself.
Crystal Remedies are not for medical treatment or diagnosis of any kind. Consult a medical professional for medical advice.